Filosofía de Calle: Transnational Tigueraje | Tigers of a Different Stripe: Performing Gender in Dominican Music | Chicago Scholarship Online (2024)

Filosofía de Calle: Transnational Tigueraje | Tigers of a Different Stripe: Performing Gender in Dominican Music | Chicago Scholarship Online (1) Tigers of a Different Stripe: Performing Gender in Dominican Music

Sydney Hutchinson



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Sydney Hutchinson

Sydney Hutchinson

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  • Published:

    November 2016



Hutchinson, Sydney, 'Filosofía de Calle: Transnational Tigueraje', Tigers of a Different Stripe: Performing Gender in Dominican Music (Chicago, IL, 2016; online edn, Chicago Scholarship Online, 18 May 2017),, accessed 10 Aug. 2024.


Hutchinson, Sydney. "Filosofía de Calle: Transnational Tigueraje." In Tigers of a Different Stripe: Performing Gender in Dominican Music University of Chicago Press, 2016. Chicago Scholarship Online, 2017.





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New styles of merengue típico have developed as a result of the transnational migrations of musicians and their audiences from the 1980s to the present. In modern-day merengue típico moderno or merengue con mambo, a style often considered more “feminine” in its technique than traditional merengue típico, the number of women in the audience has increased alongside the hypermasculintiy of bodily performances onstage. This chapter provides description and analysis of the music and movements of four urban, transnational, típico-oriented groups: Fulanito, Aguakate and Shino, T-Urban, and Urbanda. These analyses provide concrete examples of how transnational tigueraje and típico urbanity are performed. They also demonstrate that the new musical subgenre continues and advances earlier forms of Dominican masculinity, but through a new conception of Dominican racial identity that exists in dialogue with other Black Atlantic musics. The author argues that urban merengue típico is both controversial and extremely popular precisely because it shows the impact of urbanization, capitalism, and transnational migration on a style still perceived as traditional, and also because that impact entails new conceptions of Dominican blackness, masculinity, and femininity.

Keywords: transnationalism, tíguere, New York City, hypermasculinity, merengue típico moderno, style, race, dance



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