Star Tribune from Minneapolis, Minnesota (2024)

303 Helg Wanted 303 Help Wanted 303 Help Wanted 305 Help Wanted 303 Help Wanted 303 Help Wanted 303 Help Wanled 303 Help Wanted 7C MInntapolli Tribune) Oct. 14, 197S To ftice a wonder-working want ad, call 372-4242 today. 305 Help Wanted ELECTRICAL ENGINEER wllh experience In A office for all type of building design. Musi be capable of taking responsible charge of design of lighting, power distribution, communications, alarm and security systems and producllon of drawings and specifications. Larion, Hestekln, Smilh, Lid, 311 Eau Claire SI, Eau Claire, Wi mim-m ELECTRICAL ENGINEER Experienced In AC control 8, power circuits.

Position will incl. proiect design, production support 8, fasting. 8SEE reo. yrs. exper.

or aouivalent progressive exper. Wrili MP-204, Star and Tribune. ELECTRONICS Stockroom manoger-invenlory conlrol city desk, etc. Need aggressive person wllh experience 8, growth potential. 339-1139 ENGINEER INDUSTRIAL FABRICATION Due lo continued expansion, LITTON MICROWAVE COOKING PRODUCTS has an opportunity available for an experienced IE.

The individual we are seeking will be responsible for methods, work standards, svslems measurements, cost reductions, a all other IE programs for our Fabrication Operations. The successful applicant will have BSEI or BSME with 3 or more years experience In sheet melal fabrication operations. Interested applicants are invited lo send resume, Including salary requirements, in confidence lo: D.W. SCHUEFFNER LITTON MICROWAVE COOKING PRODUCTS 400 Shelard Plata S. Minn, 5S426 An Eoual Opportunity Employer ENGINEER POWERHOUSE Exper.

operating DC elec. generators, slum driven air compressors, pumns A high pressure boilers. Musi have Minn. Stale 1st Class A high pressure steam license. Excel, co benefits, environment i salary.

For additional info SOO LINE RAILROAD CO. 640 SOO LINE BLDG. 332-1261 Ext. 394378 An Equal Opportunity Employer ENGINEER logic Design Engineer Comlen, a communications compuler manufacturer has an Immediate open' tng tor a logic oesign engineer, tanor data should have a BSEE degree but actual work experience is not required. Duties include design of communications controllers, SDLC BSYNC, SYNC, SYNCH 8, design with MSI'U processors.

Excellent employ ee benefits 8, compensation. Pleasant working cond. Qualified aoplicanls are invitee) lo call or send resume lo; Carol Christianson 633-8130 INC. 1950 W. Civ.

Rd SI. Paul, Minn. SSI 13 en equal opoorlunily employer ENGINEER ME-IE Wi have Immediale opening for an experience ME-IE, lo work in the areas of sheet melal, metals finishing a machine shop. Exposure lo facilities planning a plus. Successful candidate should be degreed a have 2 or more years of experience.

Salary commen lurali with experience. Apply In person. CORP. 314 W. 90th St.

Bloominglon An Eoual Opportunity Employer ENGINEER ENVIRONMENTAL Immediate opportunity for BS or MS with 2 lo 5 years chemical or sanitary engineering experience, Work In re search related to industrial effluents and treatment processes; wastewater sampling and monitoring; assessing treatment effectiveness. Permanent full lime position, liberal Contact Mrs Bennett 721-6373 North Star Research Div, MIDWEST RESEARCH INSTITUTE 3100 3ith Av. S. Mpls. An equal opportunity employer ENGINEER-NIGHTS 12 to I a m.

shift. Second class license desired. Parking ramp end mow removal duties. Apply main tenece office, Shelard Tower, i00 South Cty. Rd.

IB and Hwy. II ENGINEER-PLANT Growth oriented froien food company desire Plant manager who has experience in maintenance management 8, ammonia refrigeration with steam generation. Send resume lo MW-619, Star and Tribune. Engineer Design-Mech Exc. opportunity.

A good posilion interesting work for a degreed mech. wmln. 5 yrs. exoer, in machine design. Please call ESTIMATOR PLUMBING CHEATING With Master's plumbing license.

16121-363-8237 ESTIMATORS steam carpel clr Full time, will train. 154-2050 Factory WEST WE'RE BUSY! And so will you be-working for TASK FORCE al one of our several West suburban customers. Packaging and light production will earn you S2.2S-2.aO from now until Christmas. Call Doug in Edina al 920- I860 or lust drop in at: HOPKINS CITY HALL 1810 So. 1st St.

Community Room Monday, Oct. 13 9 a.m.-Noon TASK FORCE I temporary) Register with Task Force at: APACHE PLAZA Ocl, IS a.m.-Noon for N.E. packaging and processing assignments S2.25-2.40. TASK FORCE 920-8860 FACTORY HELP FUSING PRESS. STEADY WORK, UNION BENEFITS.

P. B. ROSENBLATT 912 Currle Ave. Minneapolis Across From Bus Depol An Equal Opportunity Employer FACTORY TRAINEE Immediate openings In packing and assembly. Some overtime passible.

Call Don Cook 338-0621 OER-KEL 628 Nicollet Rm222 an employment agency lob 12105 FACTORY HELP SE Needed Immediately. Production workers Packagers. Call Ever Fresh Food Corp. 331-6393 FACTORY $622 338-6748 Upper Midwest Job1i30 An Emplpyment Agency FACTORY Assembler. Full lima days.

Northeast Mpls, Art, 331-6675 FARM HELP Turkey experience preferred. Hpuslng, salary, fringe benefits, 612-421-3326 eves. I FIGURE CLERK We have a permanent position requiring good fig. aoiliud. A bookkeeong course and typing at 35 to 40 could make out the successful candidate, come to the 33rd.

floor of the IDS Tower lo apply. IDS f.vOAr piversltlert Sfpvlrs 3300 IDS Tower Mots. 55402 Vi Eaual Opportunity Employer MF Mgmt. Training Program Build a promising stable management career with one of the oldest i most rapidly expanding cpmpanies in the consumer finence lield. Our needs are grpwlh created.

This management training prpgram prepares you to assume full management responsibilities in less than 3 years. Training program Is VA approved. Excellent employee benefits advancement opportunities. Contact Mr. Watson, Postal Finance 1603 W.

Lake SI. An Equal Opportunity Empipyer MOBILE home delivery 8, set up. must drive know service. 218-749-8920. Valley Hnmes, Virginia, Mn.

55792 MODELS 612822-4667 Fashion, mag. TV fullpl. lime. Siw-1300 wk. MOTOR Carrier Rate Clerk Exper.

Some sales work. Gerdin Transfer Princeton Mn. 427-1570 NURSE RN OR Full lima permanent. Must be an experienced OR nurse. 5 operating rooms doing all types of cases, including fatal joints replacement.

After lull orientation call IX per week 8, every 4-6 wkend. Fpr more information contact Joan Johnson, RN, 298-8625. United Hospitals, Inc. 125 W. College SI.

Paul An Equal Opportunity Employer Nurse HEAD NURSE ICUCCU Permanent full time position tn new, modern ICUCCU unit. Musi have re cent extensive clinical experience training. For further info, contact the Personnel Dept. UNITY HOSPITAL 550 Osborne Rd. Fridley (612) 786-2200 An Equal Opporlunily Employer NURSE CENTRAL ADMITTING Part time posilion on our Central Ad-milting Team.

Hours 2 lo 9 p.m. Sun day thru Thursday. For further Infor mation contact Personnel Office, AB BOTT DIVISION, 874-5264. ABBOTT NORTHWESTERN 110 East 18lh Mpls. 55403 An Equal Opporlunily Employer MF NURSE LPN'S IMMEDIATE NEED For private duty 4PM ta 12AM 12AM lo SAM.

Part time. Good loca lion. Rotating schedules. Long term. KIMBERLY NURSES 927-9971 NURSE AIDE Due to an increase in our patient load our desire lo continue to give top quality patient care we currently are interviewing part lime applicants for shuts.

Includes every other week end. Apply in person. Monterey Nurs Ing Inn 525 2nd St. S.E. Osseo, Minn.

425-2128 NURSE RN LPN Immediate positions Available, par time on 8, shifts. Excel lent working cond. benefits. Clinical experience 8, In-service classes avail. Contact Mrs.

Smilh, 935-0333 TEXA-TONKA NURSING HOME St. Louis Park NURSE LPN Join our prof, staff in caring for the geriatric patient. Full time 8, part time positions open for shift. Com pelitive salary 8, benefits. Call 535 6260.

CRYSTAL CARE CENTER 3245 VERA CRUZ NURSE RN or LPN Charge for relief shift. Full time. Part time weexends, night shift. Call or apply in.person. ANGF.LUS CONVALESCENT HOME 4544 4th Ave.

S. 827-3526 NURSE RN Full time evening opening, ICU. Musi be exper. Contact Personnel MIDWAY HOSPITAL 641-5161 NURSE RN or LPN part time Call pr apply in person 827 3526 Angelus Convalescent Home 4544 4lh Av. Mpls.

Pari lime 11 ta 7. Apply in Person Bryn Mawr Nursing Home, 275 Penn Av. N. NURSE-Aide for palienl Hillcresl Nursing Home, part lime 70 hrs. mo.

3-8 p.m. Musi have car lo lake palienl lor drives. 473-4134, NURSE-LPN Part Norlh sub. physicians need LPN with previous exper. in ofc.

or clinic. Train for: EKGs, chest iravs lab. Will train for Che-molNrapy. S3 per hr. Southdale Medical Placement Southdale Medical Bldg.

926-6584 An employment agency Job I 785 NURSE-LPN 8 8, Home needs wkend nurse with psveh: exper. for 25 emotionally disturbed people. Call 871-403 NURSE-LPN far care home, alternate 7 pm. 122-2624 NURSERN Part time Nighls 11 to 7 AM. Apply In person Bloominoton Nursing hom*o 9700 Nicollet Ave Mpls NURSE-RN.

Exp. pref. Full lime. Benefits. Attractive surroundings.

2739 Cedar Av. 724-5491 Nurses Aides Part lime work avail, on all shifts. No experience necessary we will train. Call Chris Baker at 935-0333 or apply In person TEXA-TONKA NURSING HOME 3201 Virginia Av. S.

SI. Louis Pk. NURSES Exper, RN's to staff small community hospital. Pleasant living excel, working cond. Call or wrile, Mr.

Chet Porter, Hidalgo General Hospital, Box 596, Lordsburg, New Mexico, 18045. (SOS) 542-3595. NURSES AIDES Full or pari flme day shift. Apply In person pnly to Weslwood Nursing Home 7500 West 22nd St. Louis Park NURSING ASSISTANTS Full time, good pay benefits.

Apply In parson belween 10 1 2 Mon. thru Fri. Fair Oaks Nursing Home 321 EAST 25lh MPLS. NURSING ASSISTANTS 7 PM-full 1 part lima Call week days 927-9717 PARK NURSING HOME 4415 W. 36Vi St.

SI. Lotus Pk. NURSING DIRECTOR Exper. RN tp direct nursing slaff of a community hospital. Pleasant envlrpn-ment, excel, opportunity.

Call or send resume lo: Mr. Chet Porter, Hidalgo General Hospital, Box 596, Lordsburg, New Mexico 88045 (505) 542-3595. NURSING ASSl'S Full lime. TREVILLA OF GOLDEN VALLEY S45-0416 MRS. RUSTAD NURSING ASSISTANTS Orderly Only.

Full time. Call or apply In parson, 827-352 Angelus Convalescent Home 4544 4th Av. Mpls. NURSING ASSISTANT Part lime 3 ta 11:30. Apply In person Bryn Mawr Nursing Home, 275 Penn Av.

N. NURSING ASST. Part or full lime incl. every other wknd. Small nursing home In Bloominglon.

Wll Irain, Call Jean Bis-sener 881-5803 NURSING ASSISTANTS full and part lime. Nighls II tp 7 AM Bloominglon Nursing Home 9200 Nicollet Ave Mols NURSING ASSISTANTS Immediale need. Recent experience for prlvale homtcare. 927-9971 OFFICE WORK, oermanenl part lime, Roseville 8. St.

Anthony area. 10-Key electric adding machine axpar. nec, Apply it Keerjiar 2137 Anthony Lant, Mplv OFFICE CLERK, Pt Time No exptr nedid, hrs am tp 1 om, Sales Clerk-Port time BEAUTICIAN PREFERRED Personable person tp sell beauty supplies lo our established customers in our Hopkins store. Musi be able to meet the public graciously. Same stock work Involved.

Apply NATIONAL BEAUTY SUPPLY 1111 E. Excelsior Av. Hookins SALES TRAINEE College grid. Salary 1900. Will train inside tor 1 year on customer service desk.

Then be assigned territory. Excellent future fringe benefits. Call Jerry Walsh ELLS EDINA PERSONNEL, 750 France Ave. So, an employment agency Job SALES Immed. part time, mature sales help thru Xmas, Costume Jewelry Dept.

at Mardenes Southdale, top salary comm. Flexible hours. W7-6766. SALESCOUNTER HARDWARE Builder's hardware inside sales, gd. salary advancement opportunity.

Variety of interesting duties. Apply Gardner Hardware SIS Washing-Ion Ave. No. SALESMEN'S WEAR DEPT. MGR.

Mature exper. person for men's wear sales. Will manage fast growing deol. Excel, pav, percentage, fringe benefits, pleasant working conds. Well est.

growing co. For appt. call 529-5700, Olsor's Mens Wear. SclesMgmt Trainee Ambitious, responsible person. Super opportunity for rapid advancement exceptional earnings.

Some sales experience preferred. DEI NELSON FURNITURE 823-5250 after 10 AM SALES-PRINTING Salary extras. Must have experience In graphic arts. Call Mr. King, Johnson Printing, 338-7531.

SALES-RETAIL Part lime In fine specialty store downtown. Exp. pref. Harold's. 332-8561, 111 Nicollet Mall SALES-SERVICE Position at the Sports Health Club.

J2.50 hr. commission. Call.Mike at 920-0215 SECRETARY MEDICAL STAFF Hospital Part time HAVE YOU CONSIDERED WORK ING IN A HOSPITAL? We have a position available to work with our full lin.e Medical Staff Secretary who works with our Attending Medical Slaff Hospital Administration. Posi tion offers a variety of assignmenls including coordinate 8, attend meetings, lake transcribe minutes of meeting when necessary, filing, phones, typing (55 wpm). Requires mature judgment 8, nole taking ability.

Usual hours are Wed. Thiurs. I 30 plus Fri. Flexibility of hc-urs is necessary. For appointment call Personnel, 871-3700.

Hospital 2215 Park Av. Mpls. An eoual opportunity employer SECRETARY Do you like dally communication with a vanely of people? WE have an im mediate opening in our Technical Marketing Dept. for a secretary with giod typing, shorthand clerical licills. Should enjoy working with vari ojs types of Individual, possess pleas ant polite telephone manners have apility to communicate intelligrntly.

xceiieni employee oeneins. awary commensurate with experience. Quel' med applicants are invited to call Car' Oj Christiansen for an appt. 633-8130 Carol Christiensen, Personnel Mgr. 1950 W.

Ctv. Rd. SI. Paul, Minn. 55113 an equal opportunity employer Mf Secrelary ACT IMPULSIVELY! $550 FEE PAID Job IA4668 and NO SH needed! You'll do a lot more here than ill! Ivoet The evritament nf thit nnti- lioh along wilh the challenge makes it ideal for the person with a "love for lots of interesting You'll be the decision maker with a dash of PUBLIC REALTIONS thrown In.

If you type SO wpm call Mary for an appointment, 339-4661 Vocational Placemen! Bureau, Inc. An employment agency 5ecretaryExec. INTERIOR DESIGN FIELD $700 Job IA4669 and of course Ihe EMPLOYER will HANDLE THE FEE! Creative design executive seeks "lop-ff-tht-lint" secrelary as right-hand sssislanl. Very "alive" oulgoing personally needed lo keep up wilh this dynamic boss. If you have a flair for creativity and some SH call Phyllis.

788-8666 Vocalional Placement Bureau, Inc. An employment agency Secrelary WOW LEGAL TRAINEE! FEE PAID Job IDT3097 Young, dapper attorney needs an assistant with a pleasant smile, a nice personality and lots of desire. If you, want LEGAL for a career attorney WILL TRAIN in his nlereslino field; so if you have SH and give Gerry a call. Vocalional Placement Bureau, Inc. An employment agencv SECRETARY SALES DEPARTMENT Immediale ooening for a secrelary wilh at least 3 years exoerience.

Ex cellent typing dictaphone skills required. Mon thru Fri. 8:30 to 5 8. some oat. 8:30 to 12 p.m.

Convenient South location. Excellent salary i benefits. Please send complele background resume to .0. 20385 MN. an equal opporlunily employer Secrelary HUMANITARIAN? $600 lob IDT3082 SH NOT NEEDED! You'll have such a feeling of salisfac- lon as you help others and pf course 'his well known association WILL THE FEEI Attend official unctions, assist wilh fund raising, ork wilh volunteers and loads of olh- tr salisfying assignments.


EOE SECRETARIAL ADMIN CLERK NO SHORTHAND $650 FEE PAID Like working with This Is I very superior position for someone who can handle secy respiins. 8, has had some acclg training. Tup benefits promotional opptyi. Call Ms. Davis, 339-7753.

LEGAL SECRETARIES REGISTRY 444 IDS CENTER an employment agency Jobil513 SECRETARIAL COUNSELOR $12,000 POTENTIAL NO EXPER. REQ. fpr a position with pur growing firm. We wiH train ypu tp help emplpvers with their personnel needs specialiiing in Ihe legal secy nrplessipn. If you have a secv bkrnd, are aggressive 8, think of voursell as a dynamic 8, success orlenled person, we would like lo talk lo you.

Call Ms. Shaoiro, 339-7753. SECRETARY (No shorthand) Position available for individual with good secretjrie1 skit's, p'eaant phone manner and ability lo work independently. Min. pf 2 yrs.

recent experience. No shorhand required. Exc. working conditions in south suburban area. CaH Mrs.

Swenson, Southgele Exec. Suite between 9 and 4 for appl. 835-2313. Secretary Legal Dwtn. lew firm hat opening tor experienced legal secretary wgood skills.

CR 3U-M61 tor Inltrvliw. a Office TAKE YOUR PICK Temporary NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, WEST and In the LOOP too! Our customers need you! We've got what you're lopkino tor and we'll be looking for you al: HOPKINS CITY HALL 1010 So. 1st SI. Community Room Monday, Ocl. 13 9 em-Noon APACHE PLAZA Oct, 15 (920-8860) 9 em-Noon TASK FORCE 920-8860 OFFICE-GENERAL Personable person, neat appearing, for small office wcustomer contact In women's fashion shop.

To assist Credit Mot. Detail work i some bookkeeping background oreterred. CARTWRIGHT 25 S. 5TH NR. NICOLLET MALL OFFICE-GENERAL Light bookkeeping, filing, typing, etc.

att. 5:30 pm. OFFICEVARIETY S450 Your own office working for one person. Beautiful new bldo. and facilities.

Correspondence, type, fig. apl. Advancement, benefits. Call Lucy. DER-KEL 628 Nicollet 338-0621 An employment agency job 12108 OFFICE-1 PERSON A chance to be Involved in the fastest growing area of communications losed circuit television.

A small Co. immed. needs a secrelarv-recot-tvpist to work wa min. ol supervision 1 make own decisions in challenging de' mending office iob. Must be mature woulgoing personality enioy work ing wolhers.

Prev. exoer. pref. Musi like responsibility one's self. No others will be considered.

Much work it routine not excessively stimulating. Generous benefits including pd, vac, holidays, no downtown traffic or okg, lees. Pay iob growth commensurate wability. Call 335-6812 for aopt. ORDERLIES Full or part time, day shift.

Apply in person at Weslwood Nursing Home, 7500 W. 22nd SI. Louis Park. ORDERLY Live in, room board salary. New Hope area, 533-0704.

OWNER-OPERATORS join a prooressive Co. -hauling between M-Wesl W-coast loaded both ways 3 axle, 152" wheel base reg. Pro-rate I road taxes pd. settlements by the trip KODIAK REFRIGERATED LINES INC. 1-612-224-4751 PACKAGING-CANDY Davs 7:30 am-4 pm.

No exper. needed. Apply now. Rose Confections, 1415 51 St. Hopkins.

PAINTING INDUSTRIAL Winter fie'd lank work avail. In So. U.S. for exper. industrial sand blast ersspray painters.

Must be complete ly free lo travel. Top wages, bonus plan. Apply in person: General Coalings, 2805 Dodd Rd. (Hwys. 49 4 551, St.

Paul. PART TIME Ushers-ettes consession attendants, must be avail, wkdav. weekends holidays Apply in person betw, 2-4 p.m. COOPER THEATRE PbX OPERATORS Par! Full Time AM PM Apply in person HOLIDAY IN AIRPORT 1 7800 34TH AVE. S.

PERSON FRIDAY FEE PAID $600 "SWITCH HATS KIND OF JOB" for person who can take charge. Properly development firm with 100 proiects al over the country. Needs individual to tie uo loose ends ol these protects including moving men equipment all over the country. Good typing needed. Sh helpful but not essential.

Job IPF633. TODAY PERSONNEL 726 BAKER BLDG. 333-3251 CAROLE OSBORNE, GEN'L MGR an employment agency PERSON WITH TRUCK. Part lime mornings. 711-8398 aft.

6 p.m. One of America's largest companies needs young, mature-thinking, ag' gresslve. administrator, recruit and train commissioned salesmen. Some experience necessary. Involves occa sional travel in 20 slate area.

SEND resume lo MZ-894 STAR AND TRIB UNE. PERSONNEL Clerk. Organization ability. Knowledge of workmen's payroll, detail minded. To $600 McNITT PERSONNEL An Employment Agency Job IN280 PHONE CLERK MEDICAL to $500 Able lo handle volume of public contact wilh doclors, hospital medical administrators.

Unusual ppportunity for 50 wpm typist who can learn lo screen 4 roule informaiion of a professional basis. Job IR953 TODAY PERSONNEL 726 BAKER BLDG 333-3251 CAROLE OSBORNE, GEN'L MGR an employment agency PHONE WORK Part Time Evenings Edina location S2.50 hr. bonus. Telephone school employees for appointments wour representatives, Call Roanne Klein 927-8494. AFTER 1 P.M.

PHOTO LAB. lull lime, for pholo lab, no exp. nec. 835-3505. Physical Therapist Asst.

To work closely wilh R.P.T. In carrying out activity 8, maintenance therapy programs in 137 bed nursing facility. Full lime No weekends. Monterey Nursing Inn, Osseo. Call 425-2128 be tween 1:30 8, 4 p.m.

PLANT MANAGER Growing heating air conditioning company close tolerance sheet metal iob shop needs Individual to supervise production. Must have 3-5 years' experience in production management. Experience in fabrication, weld ing, painting S. assembly of refrigeration desired. Excellent benefits.

Send resume lo M. D. Kautenberg environmental Control Systems 13310 Industrial Park Blvd, Plymouth 55441 559-4473 PLASTIC MOLDING Lead person for midnight tp 8 a.m. shift. Exper.

nec. Roseville area. 636- 1330. PLUMBERS Only qualified perspnnel need apply. 701-594-1505.

PLUMBER WMasler's license. (6121-363-8237 Pow. Sew. Mach. Opr.

Exp. neces. with nauoahyde. Carroll Chair Mr. St.

Ana, 781-3431. PRESSER Dry cleaning exper. Beginning rale S3.26 hr Apply after 9 a m. Shapiro Brothers 2628 E. Franklin 335-6666 EXP.



PRODUCTION Superinlendenl-To supervise producllon in 30,000 sq. ft. custom woodwork plant, manufacturing store fixtures, bank fixlures and architectural woodwork. Responsible far production control: planning, scheduling, quality, casts. Technical knowledge of cabinet work desired.

Mpdern Woodwork, 1620 Alta-mont Avenue, P. 0. Box 6817, Richmond, Va. 23230 Phone (804) 353-1241. Laurence H.

Levy PROTECTION Agenl. Must have 6 mo. exper. bondable. Starling pay 12.25 hr.

566-9010 READY MIX BATCHER ALSO GRAVEL PLANT LABOR. 831-4040. RECEPTIONIST TRAINEE, $500 Chance to cash In on your CHARM If you have nice SMILE and eniov meeting public. Loop firm will send vou to school to learn to operate switchboard and greet visitors and clients. You must type.

Job iR-5034 Hill 1090 NW Bank Bldg. 331-1613 an employment agency RECEPTIONIST-CLERK Immed. ppening with general contractor. Busy phonal. Much variety, S.

Mpli. 827-5781. RECEPTIONIST Real estate office. Light typing filing. NE.

area. Full lime. Start Immediately. 789-3S06 If FINANCIAL REP. Progressiva division of a national finance company needs a very aggressive person wdriva 1 the desire to progress lo management level.

Would start as customer representative in handling of dclinouent accounti Snm college background Is helpful. Full programmed Ireining for all levels, complele total benefits, excel working conditions. Cell Mr. Brown or Mr. Ev ens, An Eoual Opportunity Employer FLORAL DESIGNER full time woeneflls, experienced.

227-935. FOOD PACKAGING Full time days, I to 4:30. No exoar. nec. Will train.

$2.10 per hour tp start, ADVANCE PACKAGING CORP, 21 No. Harrison Hopkins, Mn. FOREMAN Responsible for supervision of all production personnel in an expanding division of well established company. Repprts to manufacturing manager. Must have machine shop experience with quality conlrol 8, maintenance.

Previous supervisory experience a plus. West suburban location. Good benefits. Send resume In confidence. Write MW-042, Ster 1 Tribune FOREMAN, Finishing Dept.

Able to handle all types of coatings. Ability to mix and match all types of wood fin ishes and colon. Modern Woodwork, 1620 Atla- mont P. 0. Box 6117, Richmond, Va.

23230 Phone (1041 353-1243. lau-rence H. Levy or Harry Stephens. FOREMAN Anodlilng Dept. 2nd shift.

Exp. In clear 8, duranodic process req. Perm, pos. excel, sal. benefits.

Contact: J. Fields Golf Course Workers Temporary positions S2.S0 an hour. MINIKAHDA CLUB, 926-1601 GUARDS Full 8, part time openings Mpls. SI. Paul 8, So.

St. Paul. Evening lata mgnt snitts. uniforms furnished, paid training. Apply in person between AM 4 4 PM Mon.

thru Frl. The Hennepin Square Bldg 2021 HENNEPIN An Equal Opportunity Employer Immediate full lime openings available lor full time uniformed guards. Alert ness, good health 8, neat appearance essential. No police record or credit problems. Apply Personnel Office.

HOLIDAY VILLAGE SO. 84TH LYNDALE AVE. SO. An Equal Opportunity Employer GUARDS Security guards for full part lime. St.

Paul, Shakooee 8, suburbs. Reliable persons, minimum age 18. Musi have car 8, phone. Vets bring DD2I4. Call or come in.

BUSCH INC. 209 Produce Bank Bldg. 336-9341 GUARDS Full Time Fridlev Area 927-4059 HARDWARE SALESCOUNTER Builder's hardware Inside sales, gd salary ft. advancement oooorlunity, Variety of interesting duties. Apply Gardner Hardware SIS Washington Ave.

No. HEATING ENGINEER Local firm has opening for Qualified heating engineer to layout and design heating equip, lobs. Call for appt. Onvbow-Daniels Co. 544-9561.

HOSTESSHOST Part lime for vending room, 7 a.m p.m. Mon -Fri, Bloominoton ioc Involves slocking cleaning machines, making chnne, wiping tables, eic Must have own trans, Apply 2601 2nd. Av, S. 874-1234. HOTEL HOUSEKEEPING RADISS0N INN PLYMOUTH has full time ianitorial positions avail.

Day or eve. hours. Apply in person al housekeeping dept. Intersection of 55 8, 494 an equal opportunity employer HOTEL RELIEF CLERK Frl. 8, Sal.

nighl 12 Switchboard axp. Continental Hotel, 333-5441 Housekeeping Aides We're looking for dependable, hard working people to fill full lima posilions Wed. thru Sundays and part lime weekends In the Marquelle and Northslar Inns. If Inleresled apply at our perspnnel office. IDSP Management Co.

536 Roanoke Bldg. (Corner of 7th Marquette) An Equal Opportunity Employer Housekeeping Supervisor Radisson South Hotel Position open In our housekeeping area for a working supervisory. Day hours Including weekends. Soma supervisory exper. helpful.

For more info, call 835-7800 ext. 317 or apply Personnel Office W. side of hotel. Interview from 10 a.m.-noon or 2 p.m.-4 RADISSON SOUTH HOTEL Hwy. 100 4 494 -an equal opportunity employer HOUSEKEEPER Full lime.

Includes every other weekend. Good salary 8, benefits. Call Mrs. Hedglin, 874-1701 betwn. 1:30 4 3 FAIR OAKS NURSING HOME 321 E.

25th St. Mpls. HOUSEKEEPER' Exper, only need apply. Mature dependable. Full time Please apply in person.

David Herman Nursing Home. 2401 Chicago Av. HOUSEKEEPER Immed. ppening in resld. care facility So.

Mpls. area. Duties incl. cleaning, 8, food ordering. Mon-Fri 6 am-2 pm.

Call Barb, 871-1954. HOUSEKEEPERS Full lime davs alternate weekends. Apply in person. Weslwood Nursing Home, 7500 W. 22nd SI.

Louis Pk. HOUSEKEEPING PART TIME WEEKENDS Bloomlngton Nursing Home 9200 Nicollet Ave Mpls HOUSEKEEPING AIDE FT. day hrs, alt. wknds. Work refs, req.

Apply wkdvs 9am-3pm, Villa Maria Nursing Home, 719 E. St. HOUSEKEEPING Weekend. Experience necessary. Nancy 588-4665.

HousemanMaid Full lima ppening. Excell. medical 8, denial program, good fringe benefits 8, salry. Apply Rodeway Inn. 1321 E.

78lh St. Bloominglon Ins. Underwriter Managing general agent needs under writer w2-5 yrs exper In underwrit ing Si rating properly 8, casually business. Exper wsurplus lines, (non standard) business helpful. Salary open, liberal benefits Incl profit sharing, please send resumes lo write MV-667, Star and TribuneJ INSPECTOR Experienced in CLOSE TOLERANCE SCREW MACHINE PARTS WE'LL PAY MORE DAY SHIFT STEADY EMPLOYMENT VARIETY AND CHALLENGE NO TIME CLOCK GOOD EYE SIGHT ESSENTIAL FOR INTERVIEWS CONTACT DON DENIKE Automate Assoc.

Inc. (612) 925-1400 INSPECTOR Opening on 2nd shift. Musi have lob shop experience for operational 8, final Inspection of stamping sheetmetal parts. Top pay 8, benefits. Apply in person MODERN TOOL INC, S217 Hanson Court Crystal INSURANCE COMMERCIAL UND.

1-2 years comm. lines 8, package underwriting experience req. SUPERVISOR PERSONAL LINES 3-S years brpad personal lines experi ence, homeowners, personal auto inland marine underwriting with su-pervlspry 8, potential. Current supervisor planning retirement. SUPERVISOR COMMERCIAL UND.

Requires broad commercial package, casually 8, WO underwriting knowl edge with supervisory potential. This is a heavy responsibility position providing good opportunity I growth potential. CONTACT MR. COBB 339-8771 Cram Forster Ins Gp 700 Plymouth Building Mpls in equal opportunity employer LIFEGUARD pm Tues. 8.

Thurs. Apply at YMCA, 30 S. 9th SI. An eoual opportunity employer LIGHTING MAINTENANCE Light fixture cleaner needed, must be dependable 8, able lo work nights when needed. Call 721-5744.


aptitude 8, exper. Good benefits. Call Mrs. Noonan 553-1414 MACHINE OPERATOR For engine lathe ft. mills.

Min. 4 yrs. experience. 929-0924 MACHINIST TRU-TRACE OPER. Set up and operate 3 spindle bridge-port.

Top pay, excel, benefits. New AC shop, im Swanson, 636-6300 BASIC INDUSTRIES, INC. 1275 Old Hwy. 8, New Brighton, Mn MAIL HANDLERS TEMPORARY Dlrecl mail company has Immediale openings for individuals lo collate and package advertising materials. 1st shift.

Call personnel 831-4100 or apply In person from 9:30 a.m. lo 3 p.m. UNITED MAILING COMPANY 4401 W. 76th St. Edina An equal ppporlunlty employer MAINTENANCE MANAGER FACILITIES MAINTENANCE Primary responsibilities Include the assurance of smooth ft.

safer operations of the physical plant accom plished through timely maintenance repair of plant equipment, buildings ft, grounds. The individual we are seeking must have a minimum of 5-8 vrs. experience in development administration of maintenance programs, establishing maintenance slandards, working with outside contractors to carry out specific installation, maintenance ft. repair assignments, supervision of maintenance personnel ft, Interface wpro-duclion departments on equipment ft, facility problems. Degree or equiva lent exoer.

req, a mm. of 3 vrs. supervision. Please send summary of qualifications to: Dale Schueffner LITTON MICROWAVE COOKING PRODUCTS 400 Shelard Plaza S. Mpls.

MN 55426 MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR Progressive toy manufacturer has need of Individual lo assume 'hands on' maintenance supervisory position. Background will include an emphasis on hydraulics with electrical 8, general mechanical trouble shooting experience. Excellent workino conditions 8, benefit package. Salary cammen-surale with experience. Qualified individual contact PERSONNEL MANAGER at 544-9161 for interview.

SCHAPER MFG. CO. 9909 SOUTH SHORE DRIVE PLYMOUTH, MN. 55331 An Equal Ooportunily Employer MAINTENANCE ENGINEER National Company needs a person skilled In Plumbing, Air conditioning, healing, electrical and General main- lenance skills. Full time year 'round work.

Growth potential, salary open with full company benefits. CALL 890- 8767 for appointment An Equal Opporlunily Employer MF Maintenance Part Time Weakends some weekdays. Must hav experience in ianitorial duties, floor' care, painting, etc. Please apply In person. David Herman Nursing Home.

2401 Chicago Ave. S. MAINTENANCE Medical clinic has steady day work for a reliable person cleaning and maintaining grounds, equipment. Send work history and references to: Write MV-313, STAR TRIBUNE Maintenance-Part Time Life cleaning 8, maintenance for Mpls. apt.

complex. 20 hr. per wk. Exc. oppprtunily for exper.

in apt, business. Call Donna at 831-5002 MAINTENANCE Immediate perl positions available In Plymputh area. Good hours, Mon, thru Frl. Uniforms ft, training (urn. Call 331 1590.

MAINTENANCE JANITOR Experineced handyman, daily ianitori al duties. Must have 3rd class engl neer's license. Call Bruce. 340-5610, MAINT.WELDING Blmgtn. mlg.

Co. needs maintenance help on faclory equipment. Ability to weld a must. Steady work liberal benefits. Apply in person.

Strout Plastics Inc. 9611 James Av. S. Bloominglon, Mn. Make Your Next Step the AIR FORCE, RESERVE Choosing a career is an important step in your life.

The Air Force Reserve can help you with this decision through its training In crease your earning and learning power with your local Air Force an important step up the stairs to a successful ca reer! OPENINGS NOW; COOKS SECURITY POLICE AND MANY MORE CALL 412-725-5512 Or Mall Coupon Today! TO: 934 TAGRS 1 Minneaoolls-St. Paul, IAP Minneapolis, Minnesota 55450 NAME; CITY: STATE: PHONE: DATE OF BIRTH: AIR FORCE RESERVE Your Local Air Force 112-C MANAGEMENT EXECUTIVE MANAGEMENT TRAINEE 89,000 FEE PAID LOCAL No experience necessary. Unprecedented growth oppprtunily to enter this national firm which is il in Its industry. These posilions offer an intensive two-year training program which includes tamllleriietion with every de partment In the coroorallon. Definite oppprtunily for growth to corporate level management.

Position requires outstanding candidate with strong leadership abilities wllh potential tp handle executive management re-snnnsibllitles. Any coll. dag. Military officer bg helpful. 339-0521, 339-0520.

526 Nicollet Mall. Employment Advisors Job 1505 An employment agency MANAGFME NT-Materials Han dling. Entry position. Some experienci in shipping receiving oroer processing, Reioonuble tor bktt. mainte nance.

Need photo or AV knowledge. Call Bruce 340-5610. MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT MERCHANDISING DEPARTMENT MANAGERS SEASONAL We have Immediate openings for our Christmas Season. The successful candidate will have prior retail experi ence, supervisory skills a slrong desire to demonstrate organiiing 8, self starling abilities. Responsible for either Trim-A-HomeToys or a men's department, in pne ol our branch stores.

Possible retail career oppor-lunitues available upon successful completion of seasonal assignment. Interested candidates should apply In person 10 i.n.-i p.m. PERSONNEL OFFICE DOWNTOWN DONALDSON'S An Eoual Opportunity Employer MANAGEMENT NO FEES STYMIED? 2 122,000 I would like to discuss with vou how I doubled my earnings my 1st year as a professional recruiter." If you pos sess Ihe following characteristics: A successful track record 12 yrs. min. bus.

axp.) An understanding of your own personal goals The self-confidence lo lake the necessary action lo achieve those goals and Ihe desire for rapid personal growth in a professional environment Vou may want to learn more, for conf. appl. call Mr Martin, 546-2541 Management Search MANAGEMENT Minneapolis based health care service company, with offices in 7 neighboring states, who provided health care institution 8, home patients with bio-med equip. training on that equipment, is looking for an individual experienced in supervisory 8, administrative matters: Including budget preparation 8, ad ministration. Knowledge of CSR hosp.

SOP's necessary. The ideal can didale has the ability to develop mainlain the depts. effectiveness, re commend direct future expansion 8, train 8, motivate employees. We offer ample opportunity exc. benefits 8, sal ary based pn qualifications.

Call personnel dept. for appt. 721-7535. Universal Hosp. Services 2438 27lh Ave.

Mpls. An Equal Opporlunily Employer MANAGEMENT RESTAURANT MANAGEMENT We are a locally based reslaurant organization with units in several Midwestern slates. Wa are seeking mature career minded individuals who desire management responsibilities. Fxcellenl wage and benefit package. Send resume lo Wrile MV 319 Star and Tribune MANAGEMENT TRAINEE FOR LP GAS OPERATION Excellent opportunity for someone with business administrative ability.

LP gas experience not necessary but helpful. Call or write for information. R. C. Mills, Texgas 6929 York Av.

Mpls. 55435. 612-927-4096 "MANAGER -TRAINER FOR NEW HORSE OPERATION" Facilities located near Aberdeen, Soulh Dakota, will include 150'x60' in door arena, 30CVx 150 outdoor arena, 25 stalls, manager's house, plus other quarters lor additional help. Manager trainer, must have good background in horse f.eld. Send complete resume of past experience as well as formal education, age, family status.

Wrile lo Bo 1361, Aberdeen, Soulh Dakota 574iil. Manager Serv, Sta, OUft company is seeking a person Willi station exper. This person must be 'tood with figures. Your experience will determine your starring salary. Excell.

benelils. Apply In person CLARK SUPER 100 2650 Hennepin Av. S. Mpls. an equal ppportunity employer MANAGERS wanted.

Must be neat, clean i. bondable, 30 yrs. or older, must own properly or buy real estate. Apply 6am-3pm al stanons 3228 Lake St. or 5800 Nicollet or 597 Snelling or 1740 Rica St.

or 5522 Lyndale or 215rO Stale Hwy. 7. MANAGER lor branch office of Pho-logtammelric Company. Musi be ex perlenced in all phases of photogram- melry including sales and operational management. Write A.P.S.

Box 962, Birmarck, North Dakota 58501 MANAGER for VFW CLUB Mature, experienced, prefer VFW member. Resume of exper. refer ences required. Send resume to: Club Board President, 137 E. Clark Al berl Lea, Mn.

56007. MANAGER 107 apt. complex in So. Mpls. Pre'er retired couple.

Maintenance 8, carelaking duties tight clerical req. Aot. salary. Call Donna al 831-5007. MANAGER TRAINEE Full time, salary -f- retail ex per.

pref. but not necessary. Apply Thorn Mc An Shoes, Ridoenale Ctr. MARKETING SALES CLIENT RELATIONS TRAINEE car expenses. Full training program wllh large nnl'l corp.

Position requires highly professional, polished Individual caoable of dealing with top level corporate executives. Position Involves new product Intro- duc'ion lo established accounts, key account maintenance, and promoting client relations. Any coll. deg. some sales exp.

pref. 339-0521, 339-0520. 526 Nicollel.Mall. EMPLOYMENT ADVISORS Job 1760 An employmenl agency MARKETING PHARMACEUTICAL FEE PAID CAR COMMISSION BONUS Our client nds a career oriented indi vidual lo assume full responsibility for Ihe Mpls territory. A college degree is required.

For more info call Jim KAMPRUD PERSONNEL 861-4197 an employment agency Job 1083 MASSAGE. Full part lime. 335-7743 ask for Lynn MASSEUSES Models 8, escorts. Must be attractive 8, personable. DIAL-A-MASSAGE 722-0517 BOQ118A MECHANIC SEWING MACHINE Experienced in maintenance I repair of power sewing machines.

Steady work, union benefits. D. B. Rosenblatt Inc. 912 Currie Ave.

336-2604 Across From bus dept An Equal Opportunity Employer MECHANICS Heavy Duly Truck. Must have al leasl 3 vears experience. Diesel gas en gines, transmission 8, rear axle. Sea Herb Eichsladt MIDWAY FORD 1850 UNIVERSITY ST. PAUL MECHANICAL DESIGNER for heal perience In AE ofc for all types pf bing and fire protection systems.

Experience in AE office required. Registration as P.E. or designer not re quired but desirable, Larson, Hestekin, Smilh, Ltd, 318 Eau Claire SI. Eau laire.Wl 7158J2-6666. MECHANIC-Bowling Canter In soulh ern Minn, needs exper'd Brunswick mechanic.

Only qualified me chanics need apply. Send complele re sume lo MC-735, Star and Tribune, MECHANIC Experienced in brakes 8, tuneupi NORTHERN TRANSPORTATION 894-3460 MECHANICAL MAINTENANCE Understanding of hydraulic electri cal svslems It a requirement for this position. Contact 941-7755 MECHANIC Must have own tools. Sales ability a credit. Tune-up, align ment brakes.

890-7060 MED. SECY. Right hand to prominent dpctpr. Excellent appearance i phpna manners. Med.

terms nec. Good lypg. 8, diet. Fee nag. $600.

BELLESON'S MEDICAL 336-6614 602 Baker Bldg. An Emplpyment Agency JobiN300 Medical Office Ass't Allergist needs A grad with ex per. In lab 8, front ofc. Typing, phones, shots 1 routine lab. Mon-Fri.

Excel. benelils 850O. Southdale Medical Placement Southdale Medical Bldg. 976-6584 An employment agency Job 1783 MEDICAL RECORDS Olnlc needs exoer. med.

records clerk with research bkorntj. Work with resi' denls. Excel, benefits. Need no) be ree- ART. S'O0-sb0 OOQ.

Southdale Medical Placemen! Southdale Medical Bldo. 926-6S84 An employment atjencv Job 7B4 MEDICAL CLAIMS TRAINEE $450 You'll be haloing people In this Interesting lobl Medical terminology, some typing. Beautiful surroundings. Graal btneftls. Call Lucv npwl OER-KEL 621 Nicollet 338-0621 employmenl agency Job 12032 RECEPTIONISTTYPIST Small firm In beautiful W.

Sub. location needs someone personable to handle phones 8, assisl our customers. your typing is accurate al 60 wpm. we would like to talk to you. BURNS ENGINEERING INC.

35-4400 Receptionist-Personnel DEGREE NOT NEEDED 1 Vi fee paid by employer. Person wilh pleasant manner 8, good figure ability will be trained lo handle everything from testing of applicant lo feeding the gold fish. Light typing helpful. JOB 1926. TODAY PERSONNEL 726 BAKER BLDG.

333-3251 an employment agency ReceptionistSecretory Small congenial well established man ufacturing company has interesting variety position. Good typing essential Excellent benefits. Fully paid hospital, life 8, disability insurance. Profit shar ing. MID CITY PRECISION 7430 Oxlord St.

SI. Louis Park 933-2501 RECEPTIONIST CUSTOMER RELATIONS Lots of contact with public. Phones, daily cash, Invoices, some typing. Will train. Good benefits.

Call Myrt. DER-KEL Nicollet 338-0621 An employment agency Job i2109 RECEPTIONIST Typing ability, pleasant voice atti tudeFull time Need own transportation, Dale Tile Company, Hwy. 100 France Ave. N. An Eoual Opportunity Employer RECEPTIONISTTYPIST Congenial person to handle phones, membership records general office duties.

Must be pleasant able lo type 60 WPM. Contact Wendy. Foundation (or HealthCare. 339-6871. RECEPTIONIST.

Musi be personable attractive. Light fi'mg, excell. salary. Candl's Sauna, 1141 '1 E. Lake.

722-30S4. RECEPTIONISTCLERICAL. Imme diate opening, full time, Typing a must. LakeHenn. area.

Call Mr. Mavis 825-2455 for appt. RECEPTIONIST-DENTAL Exp. pref, NE area. 788-1262.

RecptstCIerkSteno. National transportation firm has im mediate opening, Tvping (50 wpm) dictaphone, Interesting clerical tele phone work. Liberal employee bene-flls. Hours 8 lo 4:30, convenient Pentagon Park location. Free parking.

Contact Mr. Longlev, 131-6200. ITOFCA, 4510 W. 77th Edina, Suile 351. REPORTER PHOTOGRAPHER.

Tal ented journalist sought for regional news posilion. Prefer college grad, 1 yr. of exper. Send writing, photo samples to Dick Dam, The Journal, 303 N. Minnesola, New Ulm, Mn.

56073 (507 354-2114- RESPIRATORY THERAPY TECHNICIAN position ooen in a new S. expanding hospital. Certified pr eligible for certification. Comoetitive wages benefits, contact personnel 605-622-3330 Dakota Midland Hospital, Aberdeen, S. Dako ta.

RESPIRATORY THERAPY Exper. technicians needed to head small dept. in community hospital. Ex' cel. career ppoorlunities for those who have the desire to progress.

CRTT preferred, but will accept other qualified individuals. Call colled or write Ken Zaba, V.P., Healthgarde 330 W. 5h Salt Lake City, Ulah. 84101. (BOD 531-7711.

RESTAURANT Do you Working wilh people? Responsibility challenge? Travel? Variety work schedule? We are a locally based restaurant organization with units in several Midwestern States. We are seeking an Attractive, Dynamic Mature Career minded Individual wilh a working knowledge of dining room procedures, grooming, makeup and employee communications. This posilion requires a public orient ed personality wilh Ihe ability lo train dining room personnel. Excellent wage benefit package. Send resume lo WRITE MV-311 STAR 8, TRIBUNE RESTAURANT Full pari time nighls until closing, Must be neat appearing reliable Good starting pay advancement.

Call manager for interview. ARBY'S ROAST BEEF REST. 1116 W.Lake St, 823-3264 RESTAURANT HELP-Cooks, WaitressWaiter. Full lime. Uniforms furnished.

10 disc, on merchandise. Paid holidays, vacation other benefits. Apply in person 10-4, G. C. MURPHY CO.

Valley West Shopping Center, France Ave, RESTAURANT-SAIAD PERSON Bloominglon area, 835-5686 RN SUPERVISOR Pari time 10:30 PM. lo 7 AM. plus every 3rd weekend NURSING ASSISTANT Full or part time 10:30 PM lo 7 AM every other weekend. Exp, pr will train. Chapel View Nursing Home, Hookins 938-2761 RN-DAY, pari lime.

Nicollet Conv. Home. 4429 Nicollet. Call Mrs. Rae-burn for appt, 827-5667.

RN-lake charge of small nursing nome. Salary open. 473-3830, 335-5131 ROOFERS for Orrin Thompson Homes Report lo Ron Larson, Pinelree Pond development 75th Inskip, Collage Grove, Minn. An Equal Opporlunily Employer ROUTE DRIVER For established diaper route. Must know Twin City area.

5 day week. $155 guaranteed commission. Paid holidays, life insurance, Uniform furn. Apply in person. Crib Diaoer Service.

6325 Hamilton St. St. Louis Pk, Sales Manager FOOD SERVICE INDUSTRY Expr. In selling PAPER OR PLASTIC, disposable ilems lo distributors i. maior end-users.

Posilion req. 50H-75 travel on a nationwide Pan's. It offers a base sal. of 117500 a gd bonus plan; car 8, expenses; and an excellent benefit program. Please send complele resuma Wrile MU 375 Star and Tribune An Equal Opporlunily Emolover SALES MANAGER Eslabllshed distributor pf fine printing paper needs a sales manager.

Direction of company sales effort 8, oersonal account sales will bring unlimited potential for earnings. Experience In paper Industry essential. Twin City location. WRITE MV 707 STAR TRIBUNE AND SALES FULL TIME MILTON'S BROOKDALE Wa art looking for experienced selling latent at our lovely Brookdalt stori. Wt offer lop salary plus commissions i.

many other benelils to our employees. II ypu art experienced in selling women's fashions are interested in a rewarding career, please call MRS. CRAIG 561-3450 SALES GROUP INSURANCE Company Is looking for a sales rep. with 3-S vears proven sales in the group Ins. field.

College grad. or close. Will work with agents. Sal. lo 118,000 FEE.

See or call Harry K. Newoulst 335-1131 1129 PLYMOUTH BLDO. ELLS EMPL. 6TH1HENN. Job IH30 An Empi.

Agency SALES-CLEOPATRA'S CLOSET PART TIME We are looking for a person lo sell lingerie unique ready to wear al our Brookdale store. Wa offer lop salary 8. many other oenetus to our employees. Please call CONNIE MANSKE 566-2620 Sales Ofc. $600 Fee reimbursed! Action tain ofc needs your typing skills end organliallonel ability.

Job 1260. CHI Hewn, Upper Midwest, 331- Anemploymftfrtijejict' INSURANCE CLERK Wa have an Immedf- ale opening for a sharp Individual with above average figure olifude, good typing skills t. the ability to converse wllh agents brokers with their telephone inquiries. Variety of duties Including handling correspondence. Previous Insurance axoei-enct would be helpful.

Exceplional fringe benefits-free Insurance 8, hpspilall-lallon. For appl call Personnel 374-6460 GAMBLES INSURANCE GROUP ST. LOUIS PARK AN Equal Opportunity Employer INSURANCE Office Adjuster Opening In our claims dept. 3 vrs. multi-line exper.

pref. Call Mr. Soren- sen at 546-8421 FIREMANS FUND AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANIES 1421 Waviala Blvd, Golden Valley An Equal Ooportunily Employer INSURANCE Tired of the Bus Ride? Coon Rapids Insurance agency desires person to handle In-office claims. Prefer agencycompany claim experience. For Interview call Mrs.

Bronson, 755-2300 INSURANCE RATER Casualty, Commer. Lines dwn. Iwn. location. Call Mr, Webster or Mr.

Odette, 333-4541. U.S.F. G. Company An Equal Opportunity Employer INSURANCE Commercial Casualty Rale Clerk. Exoer.

nec. Near Loop office. Company benefits. Salary open. Mr.

Simacek, 871-3600 An Equal Opportunity Employer INSURANCE SECRETARY Sales Office needs experienced Life-Health secrelary to assist general agenl. Excel, salary, fringe 8, vacation schedules. Call 339-9156 INTERVIEWING PART TIME Conduct surveys, door-lo-door. No experience. Car necessary.

Hourly salary mileage allowance. Apply Jeanne Draw Surveys inc. SOGSW 34th Av. S. Phone 729-2306 between 10 1 4 p.m.

JANITORIAL RADISS0N SOUTH HOTEL Openings available In our kitchen area lor night cleaners. Hours 11 p.m.-7 a.m. including weekends. Apply Personnel office belween 10 a.m.-noon or 2 p.m.-4 p.m. RADISS0N SOUTH H0TE.

Hwv. 100 1 494 an equal opportunity employer JANITORIALPART TIME Make Money Moonlighting! Office cleaning people over 18, needed to work eves, from 6-10 pm. Openings in: ST. LOUIS PARK, MINNETONKA, GOLDEN VALLEY, PLYMOUTH, S. CRYSTAL.

Call KENT, 645-9231 belween 4 8, 6 pm or apply al 920 CHI CAGO AV. S. JANITORIAL Immed. openings in Edina, N.E. St.

Louis Park. 3-4 hours per eve, only. Done 10 p.m. or be fore, General office cleaning only. 21.

Apply 13225 Industrial Park Blvd. be tween 1 6 p.m. Belween Cty. Rd. 18 ft, 494 off Hwy.

55, 559-4456. JANITORIAL 40 hours per week-full time. Exp. ma lure person, lale hours 5 nights per week Includes weekends. Don'l call If you're not a self starter.

Union scale. Hopkins area. 3950 Minnehaha, 721 7495 Janitorial Part Time Men, Women, Clng, Cples. 3 or more hours per night. Start PM.

AREAS Bloomlngton, Edina, Golden Volley, SI. Louis Park, 544-4176. After 5 PM 835-5BOI JANITORIAL Pull time days 8, alternate weekends. Apply In person at Weslwood Nursing Home, 7500 W. 22nd St.

Louis Pk. Janitorial-Maintenance Janitorial 8, light maint. work days. Newer SI. Louis Park office bldg.


Pull benefits, exper. pref. Apply in person. Menard's Cashway Lumber, 694 8, Central Av. NE.

JANiTOR I AL WEEKENDS Pt-lime, Eden Prairie area. Apply 752 Harding 378-0646 JANITORIAL Bloominglon area P.T. 7 a.m.-1 1 a.m. and 10:30 a.nv2:30 p.m. 454-8151 JANITORIAL Nile help wanted.

Ar- den Hills local. Call Jeff belw. 4 p.m. 8, 10 p.m. at 484-7877 KEY DISK PART TIME NIGHTS If ypu have had at least one year's alfa 1 numeric key punch experience 8, would Ilka lo work part lime, call Jo- Ann Oia al 927-7131 for an appointment, MINISTERS LIFE 3 "CO WEST LAKE ST.

An eoual opportunity employer Key Punch Operator Day Shift Small Dept. Musi have min. of 3-5 yrs exoer. Call Mr Nelson 332-0361 for aopt. KEYPUNCH-KEYDISK PERMANENT PART-TIME DAY i EVENING SHIFTS Experienced Operators Apply between 8-4 SCIENTIFIC COMPUTERS 10101 BRENRO.

E. (County Rd. at Crosslown 62) 933-4200 Ext. 167 An Eoual Opportunity Employer KEYPUNCHERS Keypunch In your home. Minimum 2 years recent exper.

8, car required. TWIN CITY KEYPUNCH 831-6707 KEYPUNCH evening shift. PI. lime. Vacation 8, hol iday benefits.

Alpha numeric axp, req, CALL BETH SOWDEN SERVICE BUREAU CO 8901 WAYZATA BLVD. 544-1571 an equal opportunity employer KEYPUNCH Experienced operators. Work full or part-time evening hrs, belween 4-12 pm. Apply Immediately, Scientific Computers Apache Plaza 788-4051 en equal opportunity employer KEYPUNCH In our Edina office. 2 yrs.

experience required. Days, night, wkends. Full or part time. TWIN CITY KEYPUNCH 831-6707 KEYPUNCH PT openings for parson wsome keypunch or kevlape exper. Call Mr.

C. Peterson at 920-0244. Keypunch Part Time Immed. ppening for exper. oper.

96 COL. Call 335-1295 KITCHEN-Altendant Serve and Pam per our Charming Senior Citliens 3 meals dally. Work 8 davs In a 14-day work period. Alternate wkends. p.m.

Apply in perspn. Rovbet Re-llremenl Home, 3434 Heritage Dr. tome. sx tor Mrs. Field.

KITCHEN ASSISTANT Day hours, full or part, wages aoen, no exper. necessary. Apply PEARSON'S EDINA RESTAURANT SOTH AND FRANCE AVE. SOUTH 3808 W. 50th In Downtown Edina KITCHEN HELP Grill Pizza I responsible people, pl, days, nights 8, weekends, Mar-Thai's Pitii Pit 110 W.

Wilt St. HI-997J, 305 Kelp Wanted SECRETARY We are seeking a pleasant capable person wilh good clerical, typing dictaphone skills. Will be working for a top executive. Good salary compv nv benefits. Apply personnel Warner Hardware Co 2745 Sp.

Lexinglpn Ave. 454-6650 An Equal Opportunity Employer MF SECRETARY Immediate opening In Accounting Dept, of home office of maior firm for secretary with good slat typing ability, light shorthand preferred some knowledge In operating I computer terminal reoulred. Work in modern office near public Iransp. in Highland Park erea. Cell Mi.

Dwyer it 690-1761 for further details. DONOVAN COMPANIES INC. An Equal Opportunity Employer SECRETARY Engineering firm in Bloomington-Edr-na area has need for an independent mature person who eniovs detailed work with figures and has excellent typing skills. Excellent company benefits. Call 835-6411 after Monday An Equal Opportunity Employer Secretary COLLEGE AN ASSET Employer pays fee.

S780O lo start for the responsible secretary who eniovs figures. OPPORTUNITY EMPL. 418-Midland Bank Bldg. 40) 2nd Av. S.

339-7551. an employment agency Job IM40Q SECRETARY TRAINEE Travel Agency No exp. necessary. Ask for Peggy YOUR MAN TOURS 6246 Lyndale Av. S.

SECRETARY Needed for Bloominglon sales office at 494 Highway 100. Minimum of 3 years experience. Typing, shorthand good figure aptitude needed. Competitive salary good benefit program. Call Mr.

Flaxman, 835-1515. Secretary to Secretary Full time 5 day week, incl. Salurday. SH, typing, phones, etc. Company ben efits.Call Mr.

Early 927-8661 MARVIN ORECK SOUTHDALE SECRETARY Immed. opening, for Individual with good SH typing, dictaphone work also. Busy iob, company benefits. Pen- tagon Park location. Call Mrs, Bur- meister, S35-2476.

SECRETARY must have SH, exc skills, initiative, organ'l abilities, exc wkg. cond. duties varied. New offs in N. subs, exper pref.

ODts 612-566-3290 SECRETARY Cosmetic manufacturer needs sharp person with good shorthand typing skills. 546-0322 SECRETARY-WARD Part lime posilion, 2 davs per wk. Call 827-5667 for appl. Nicollet Conv. Home.

SECRETARY lor private club 373-3535, Mr. Benl SECRETARY Legal, part lime. 335-6781 Exp. Full or SECURITY PATROL ull time openings security pa'rnl vork Experience prelerrerl. Training provided, uniforms furn.

Phone required. Veterans bring DD form 214. Apply in person Mon. thru. Fri.

9 AM 'o 9 PM Sal. 9 till noon. No phnne cans. PINKERTON'S INC. 7300 FRANCE AVE.

S. An Equal Opportunity Emolover Security Supervisor Trainee National contract security company is accepting applications for security supervisory trainees. Minimum age 21. Submit comolele resume lo MW-231 Star Tribune An Equal Opportunity Employer SECY TO PRES. FEE PAID This Is the time lo lake that "step up" lo respons.

challenge. This well known co. needs a "lop nolch" secy capable of the best in skills good organiiational abilily. Interview In complele conlid. Call Ms.

Shapiro, 339-77 53. LEGAL SECRETARIES REGISTRY 444 IDS CENTER an employment agencv Jobil461 Service Station TUNE-UP SPECIALIST FULL PART TIME APPLY IN PERSON STADIUM 66 1120 E. 78lh St. Richfield SERVICE STATION attendant, 18 or older. Gas 8, oil sales only.

Musi be clean neat. Must be bondable, both men 8, women may anolv. Apply 6 am-3 pm at Stations 3228 Lake 51. or 5800 Nicollet or 597 Snelling or 3740 Rice SI. or 5522 Lyndale or 21550 Stale Hwy.

7. SERVICE PERSON Clean 8, fill vending machines in large office bldg. Must have own Iranso. 6.30 a.m. -3 p.m.

S322 hr. start. Rapid increases. 2601 2nd Av. apply 8 a.m.

-12. SEWERS, drapery, part time. Exper. only. 825-5965.



An Equal Opportunity Employer SIDING CLOSERS Winter home for those who can prod uce their own leads 3 hr. approval -greatest breakdown in the S. Call prepaid 501-758-2146. Ask for Dale. SILK SCREEN PRESS OPERATOR Exper.

req. Please apply in person Lakeside Name Plate DIVISION LAKESIDE LIMITED 7400 32nd Av. N. Crvstel SILK SCREEN PRESS OPERATOR Experienced. Apply in person 8711 Lyndale Av.

Bloominoton SOCIAL WORK WANTED: January 1, 1974, Master of Social Work with skill in administration, community organization, individual and group counseling in a small family agency a member of FSAA and an equal opportunity employer. Write: Rev. Mike Annis, Personnel Committee, Family Children's Serv ices, P.O. Box 538 505 Cedar, Waterloo, Iowa, 50704 STAFF X-RAY Technician 150 bed gen'l care hospital in South Dakota community of 15,000, Exc. opportunity in a hospital utilizing both radiology nuclear medicine depts.

Salary negotiable. Mail resume to personnel deol, St. John Regional Medical Center, Huron, South Dakota 57350 or call W5-352-6431 ext. 215. Stenographer-Senior Position open for 1 senior stenographer.

Full time permanent work. Shorthand SO wpm, typing 60 worn. Some supervisory experience necessary. Excellent fringe benefits, S647 per month. Successful applicant must be willing to establish residency In St.

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Author: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Author information

Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

Address: 2033 Gerhold Pine, Port Jocelyn, VA 12101-5654

Phone: +8524399971620

Job: Central Manufacturing Supervisor

Hobby: Jogging, Metalworking, Tai chi, Shopping, Puzzles, Rock climbing, Crocheting

Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.