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- Ledger-Enquireri
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Page Sixteen The Columbus Enquirer Columbus Ga Saturday Morning July 3 1965 Diplomas Are Awardedtofil Expert Riflemen In Air Cavalry Sniper Class Graduation Rite a HE rifle range of a possible THE Wii HE COIONL SANDERS SAYS JULY 4th is 0 BUCKET po OPEN ALL DAY JULY 4th A 29 At all 3 Locations i 1 1 in Ihe While IIoum1 A 2 3371 IHidcy fried 0 was in elite followed by students Sgt CAIRO Ga investigating slaying of a two searched dium caliber the woods and give a to the tar Miss O'Neal's was raped al and was "sub mother of for a me could gel any but alter yes A 5 BAR CUE SANDWICH ORDERS BEING TAKEN NOW OR YOUR 4 TH BARBECUEI RELAX AND ENJOY THE HOLIDAY WITH YOUR GUESTS JUST CALL AND LEAVE THE REST TO US No 1 2029 Buena Vida Road AND SAVE THE USS AND BOTHER COOKING! ADMIRAL PORTABLE TV DINE and DANCE No 3 1419 14th St Phenix City No 2 2023 Benning Road With DELICIOUS Old ashioned Pit Cooked slimline liqhtweight easy to carry Ouality perfor mance and styling Com plete line ADMIRAL TV's Stereos Phonos XU Miami Shew Wifh in lliol!" RADIO TV SERVICE cions Color TV Special Radio Dispatched Trucks 1409 1 7th St A 2 5534 Service All Mokes Models "We have some wonderfully trained marksmen because of the 442 hours of work the Army Marksmanship Training Unit put into this project for us Give the rest to the instructors they really went to work on Capt Stone said He named Sgt Sidney Co hen Sgt Thomas Miller Sgt Calvin A Morse Sgt Paris Dusch Sp4 Jerry Ben nett Sp4 Edward Kevan Sp4 James 1 Stallworth and Lt Bob by Hadaway all of units from the irst Battalion Seven th Cavalry and Capt Russell Ramsey Capt David Best Lt Joseph Koonin Sgt Ronald Scott Sgt Rich ard Bariglio and SC Ross Spangler as men principally in volved in the work Volunteer Contingent The instructors aided by a final day volunteer contingent from other units interested in the training split the students into four groups and headed them in the direction of exam ination stations scattered throughout the woods of their study hall Sgt Melvin Lewis Sp4 Kirsch and PC Campbell got first crack at the problem of how to pick a way to sneak up on an unwilling tar get The men were given maps with two marks and they traced the very best way to move from one point to the other Capt Ramsey compared their opinion with ones the in structors had settled on by as he expressed it and awarded points or subtracted them Sgt erron and several others of the group were dress ed in camouflage outfits with Sgt an especially interesting one The outfit he chose to make him less easy to spot in the brush was a tiger styled one An 800 gallon still was de stroyed and 20 gallons of illegal whisky was confiscated Thurs day evening in a raid near Georgetown Arrested at the site was Paul Spurlock 29 Rt 1 George town Spurlock was arraigned ri day morning before US Com missioner Clifford Pantone in Americus He was released un der $1000 bond according to Eddie Walters investigator from the Columbus office of the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax Division of the US Treasury Dept investigators raided the still in Quitman Countv ap proximately five miles east of Georgetown about 8:30 pm Walters said Spurlock was arrested as he attempted to flee with the ille gal whisky he said Other investigators were Jim Stewart and Sam Lewis both of (he Columbus office of the ATTD and State Revenue Agents Hanco*ck Colum bus Ronald Gafford Lumpkin and Verner Brown Cusseta "LOVE AT fIRST BITE AND THE PRICE IS CORNER BROWN AVENUE BUENA VISTA ROAD Across from Wells Dairies A 7 7525 BUY A BAG ULL OR AMILY! AIR ORCE ACADEMY Colo (UPI) Lt Gen Thomas Moorman became the fifth su perintendent of the Air orce Academy Thursday five months after the worst cheating scandal in service aca demy history Outgoing Supt Maj Robert II Warren received an oak leaf cluster his third for his legion of merit during the changeover ceremonies at the nation's newest military demy beneath the range Moorman former vice com mander in chief of the Pacific air forces took over command in brief ceremonies in which Air orce Chief of Staff Gen John McConnell took part The change of command came about five months after 109 Air orce Academy cadets re signed during a massive cheat ing scandal ENJOY Ah THE WEEKEND 1 IX very familiar in news photos from South Viet Nam "Sure Pm interested in this work! I spent 14 months in Quang Ngai province where the Viet Cong have been so rough lately where I got the camouflage This makes a lot of sense to erron said Day Gets Hotter The day got hotter and the work tougher along the five hour route of the examination The students crawled through brush to find a hidden man be fore he could find them They were given 30 seconds to locate two dim figures in estimate the range a compass azimuth gets The work of the experts was especially notice able here Capt Stone pointed out The targets were 210 me ters and 145 meters away (the Army uses the metric system) and the judgment of distance by the sniper students was almost uncanny Sp5 David McReynolds for ex ample wrote his estimates as meters and 148 "Notice that from a man who learned to think in yards now He say 200 or 225! Most of these men have come within five me ters of those distances and they all estimated them in an exact Capt Stone said The group also had a two page written examination to dispose of a half mile compass course to follow through thick woods to an exact point and a tough station where they chose items from a pile of brush rags etc and camouflaged themsel ves in a business suit "You men are the most effec tive men we have in the divi sion You are an elite but remember you still fully qualified There is no end to what you can learn about the business of sniping Keep up your interest and proficiency and pass it on to our fellow sol Col Buie said at their gradu ation RESEDA Calif (UPI) A respected deeply religious po lice lieutenart whose 19 year old daughter was raped in a hang out for motorcycle and auto speed cluh members shot and seriously wounded one suspect in police headquarters riday Lt Tom O'Ncal 41 a 15 ycar career officer fired five shots with his automatic pistol as Carl Norman 21 was being led down a rear hallway from the jail to a waiting car at the West Valley division of Los An gelos police "My God Tom cri( detective Sgt John Shublettc who was escorting Norman and another suspect when O'Neal started firing Norman was tak en to Northridge Hospital I wounded in the chest arm and hip O'Neal a plainclothes officer 15 PIECES CHICKEN PLUS: 1 Pt cincl liif fjmvy 8 fiesh hot tolls Satisfies 5 to 7 people PAUSE AT Pausing to look at some flowers at the Ida Cason Memonal Chapel are Columbusites Rosemarie Mor ris left and Columbus Welcome Center hostess Ann Morris The Georgians were on an orientation tour of the gardens lo cated near Pine Mountain to the MUSIC of TOM HIPPS a ca rampart (AP) Officers the mysterious Cairo riday pistol possibly a 32 caliber automatic At the same time they await ed a complete autopsy report from the State Crime Labora tory The bullet riddled body of the 38 ycai old mother Mrs Geral dine Louise Singletary was found late Monday in a ditch about five miles south of Whig ham Whigham is approximately eight miles west of here Sherilf James Hicks said a partial autopsy report showed that Mrs Singletary was shot in the back at least six times "We are checking every pos sible said Hicks "but a slow Officers believe that since the average 32 calibcr revolver can hold only five or six cartridges some kind of automatic weapon that did not require reloading was used in the slaying They think Mrs Singletary was shot where she was found Bullets were dug from the earth beneath her body and some bore fragments of clothing Officers said her undergarments were wadded under the body Her dress was on inside out uneral services were held in irst Baptist Church Wednesday morning and burial followed in the Cairo cemetery Coroner Lauren Clark said he will not hold an inquest until the full laboratory report is re ceived "We have been assured that the technicians in the crime lab will rush the information to us as soon as the report is com he said it requires a certain amount of time to per form some of the Mrs Singletary's body was found five days after she van ished from the Cairo Motor Court on US 84 She and her husband ondron Singletary operated the motel The sheriff quoted Singletary as saying he and his wife watched television until about 12:30 am when he went to bed He awoke at 5 am to find the television and lights still on and his wife missing Hicks said Singletary discov ered the cash box was open and about $150 missing His wife's glasses were still in the office as were some peas she had been shelling for the freezer The front door to their living quarters was unlocked the sher iff added Si it or mom pQ lonlol irvvicr Summer Tu all Siara Straiten CuHwyl Agei 2 to 60 Eulhou ilz llnm I3 11 4 A 3tj LU BUILDING SUPPLIES EXHIBIT OPENS WASHINGTON (UPI) public exhibit of president ltd memorabilia dniing back in 'Thom is ffei'Min's dajs oi'i'iied 800 Gallon Still Razed In Quitman Gen Moorman Will Command USA Academy Cairo Police Seek Weapon IMPROVE YOUR HOME NOW AND SAVE! HARVEY LUMBER COMPANY SOO 1 sth If you're having a imall gathering try our BARREL CHICKEN nougli Io (eetl oc 7 to 10 pcoph 4 4 MEMBERS Two junior and two senior 4 Club members from Muscogee County won first place in their projects at a district project achievement meeting recently at Rock Eagle The winners and their projects were Linda Bishop left automotive Wanda Williams third from left junior pecan production Carolyn Moss third from right senior teen fare and Rickey reeman right junior agronomy With the club members are Mrs rances Wil liamson second from left extension home economist and Mode McWhirter second from right Muscogee County Photo special to The Enquirer India Pakistan Pull Out Troops NEW DELHI India (AP) India started pulling troops from the Pakistan frontier ri day Pakistani units also were reported withdrawing The Defense Ministry said the simultaneous withdrawals fol lowed the implementation of a cease fire Thursday in the In dia Pakistan territorial dispute over the Rann of Kutch on the 'Arabian Sea Topeka Bridge Span Collapses TOPEKA Kan (UPI) One side of the Kansas River bridge collapsed during rush hour ri day sending at least two au tomobiles into the river below Police said about 250 feet of the east side of the old Kansas Avenue bridge gave way about 5:50 pm CST A new bridge is under construction near the old structue Witnesses at the scene said they did not see any of the oc cupants of the cars come out of the river Officer Guns Down Suspect In Mass Rape of Daughter To The CROOM four comprite ormal Attire RENTED REE if the Gentlemen member o( yam hridfll parly conskf o( 5 our modern 1 1 Overall Diag PC1 124 60 Sq In Picture "PLAYMATE 5i8995 JULY ENJOY IWr Ro COMPANY COMING BAR CUE By the Pound BEE lb 225 PORK lb 200 CHICKEN a 150 RIBs lb 150 IKE IN LONDON LONDON (AP) ire blazeil' through eno of London's chief mail sorting offices 'lliursdny sending about 2M noU oliicc workers fleeing before clouds of Ol)la smoke One einploxe was imt later found dead who heads the vice detail for the university division was ov erpowered by a fellow officer and booked on assault with in tent to commit murder He broke down and became inco herent after the shooting Deputy Chief Thad Brown said was distraught lie cause of his over whelming emotional collapse af ter she identified two men among those who attacked her five or more times Tuesday The attack occurred at a house in this quiet San ernan do Valley city where the girl had gone to sell cookbooks Po lice said 12 to 20 mon were in side all members of different speed groups including three from the notorious Hell's An gels Since Thursday when the O' Neal girl made the identifica tion "She has been in such a state of shock that she is acting like a authorities said Brown said medical examina tion confirmed story that she least five times jected to other Only her father thing from her terday she could not say any thing niwl is having psychiatric Norman and Allen Smith 111 were Io lie taken to municipal icourt for arraignment of nar cotics charges that arose in Connection with discovery of I marijuana in llieir room during I muTrogation regarding the I Neal case Norman had been chnrgcd with rapethough he was a suspect Bv CHARLES BLACK Enquirer Military Writer Eighty one expert riflemen who had become past masters ot sneaking and sniping dur ing two weeks of hard work graduated from the irst Air Cavalry sniper school at 1:30 pm riday in a class ceremony presided over by Maj Gen Harry Kinnard di vision commander The students receiving their diplomas as masters of the fine art of picking off an enemy with a rifle were still sweaty from their last class their faces streaked with green and black camouflage paint and probably as dangerously effective a group of riflemen as has gath ered under one roof The most efficient of them all was handed a trophy by Gen Kinnard as the honor graduate of the course PC Thomp son from Capt Daniel company in the irst Bat talion (Airborne) Eighth Caval ry had come through a course which had a 50 per cent rate among picked men with a score of 855 out 100 PC Thompson company closely sniper university Roger Sams irst Battalion ifth Cavalry Sgt red King Second Battalion ifth Cavalry and Sgt Thomas Storey the stu dent company commander Sgt King and Sgt Sams also re ceived trophies from Gen Kin nard Idea Gen Kinnard told the students that the sniper class had been his idea because he believed that enemies have searched for a way to deny us the advan tages of our superior strength by using individuals and small units in hear constant refer ences to snipers and small in dividual patrol actions in Viet Gen Kinnard said He called the product of the class one which may be the only one of its kind conducted by the Army in recent years the kind of force which can be applied to the Viet Nam combat: reliant people who really know what they are doing with an infantry weap Brig Gen John Wright as sistant division commander who also attended the ceremon ies said after the formal grad uation that the instruction had been outstanding and that the graduates had earned by mastering it Praises Instructor Col David Buie deputy commander of the Third Bri gade who was project officer gave credit to Capt Charles Stone principal instructor for and implementing a fine program with a minimum of time to get it rolling Capt Stone practically planned it in the The morning of graduation day for the snipers had begun at 7 am when they left brigade headquarters and went to an isolated wooded area where in structors expert at sniping at a mistakes waited The instructors gave no lee way for mistakes as the men went through practical field work and written examinations DVIIT CORNER BROWN AVENUE A BUENA VISTA ROAD THE ABULOUS NEW CLUB SHANTORI Opelika Rd Phenix City Ala inest Supper Club" PROUDLY PRESENTS MISS NATASA America iop CoverCalendarB Pinup Girl $375 plui fa (every Saturday Nite from 7 til 11 COVER CHARGE in the Beautiful Redecorated Martinique 1011 4th Ave for reservationi call 322 6641 THIS WEEKS SPECIAL BARBECUE BEE PLATE Cole Slaw rench rias Toasted rench Bread THE WORLD'S BEST TASTIN' SOUTHERN BAR CUE CURB SERVICE 1 1 Om to 1 2 Monday thru Thundoy CULPEPPER'S riday Saturday to 1 am Plantation Pit Bar Cue Beautiful Air Conditioned Dinin Room "Jet Ain't Non Better'1 4319 Victory Drive MU 9 3275 Mlle Eatf of Woffle Circle col Harland Sanders' ORiciNAi rlcipe 4 Aho Prcbfnh 1 SHAMRA 1 Dirrt I rnm hnmiiMMK Clh Svrln 3 SHOWS ou'ine i NIGHTLY HOGUES 1 6 NIGHTS WHKIT 2 III SHOW 1 1:00 SAT NIGHT I 1st SHOW 1 "COME 4S YOU ARE" INE QUALITY WATCH REPAIR I lit EITIMATI GUARANTEE Unltod Credit Jowolors 1037 Broadway BAR CUE PLATE BEE CHICKEN PORK OR RIBS your choice with Brunswick Stew Cole Slaw rench ries Pickle and Bread safely packed ready to go including knife fork spoon and napkin 98 zwii in A IjB II i i I 'VEJm li A 'WK 3 I ''1 i 5 HU A 1 K'Za ML i a Mi Slay I 7 I I I A I 'j I i I i I I I' C'k I A 'l 1 1 1 U1 1 rivll iffl 1 1 I 4.
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