Astrology Birth Chart for U-ya Asaoka (Jan. 25, 1969) (2024)

Date of Birth: January 25, 1969

Age: 55

Gender: Male

Birth City: Tokyo

Birth Country: Japan

Local Time: n/a

UTC Time: n/a

Sidereal Time: n/a

Lat: 35° 41’ 22” N.

Lon: 139° 41’ 30” E.

Alt: n/a

Sun Sign: Aquarius

Ascendant: Taurus

U-ya Asaoka, is a Japanese singer, songwriter and musician under the FlyBlue label. He’s also vocalist of the Japanese band Field of View.

U-ya Asaoka was born on January 25, 1969, in Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan. His birth geographical coordinates are 35° 41’ 22” North latitude and 139° 41’ 30” East longitude. U-ya Asaoka is currently 55 years old.

Astrologically, U-ya Asaoka falls under the Sun sign of Aquarius, with Taurus as his Ascendant, Taurus as his Moon sign, and Gemini as his Black Moon Lilith sign.

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Planets represent different aspects of personality, life themes, and energies within a birth chart, influencing individual characteristics, motivations, and experiences.

Planets in Signs

Planets in a zodiac sign denote how the energies and qualities associated with those planets express themselves within the context of the themes and attributes of that particular zodiac sign.
Sun4° 58’ 49” Aquarius
Moon2° 58’ 37” Taurus
Mercury13° 58’ 9” Aquarius
Venus21° 56’ 40” Pisces
Mars14° 30’ 29” Scorpio
Jupiter6° 1’ 21” Libra
Saturn19° 46’ 57” Aries
Uranus3° 52’ 33” Libra
Neptune28° 22’ 33” Scorpio
Pluto24° 53’ 22” Virgo
Ceres8° 25’ 24” Capricorn
Chiron29° 47’ 33” Pisces
Eros17° 25’ 22” Aquarius
Hygiea7° 14’ 37” Aries
Juno25° 41’ 43” Sagittarius
Pallas20° 6’ 47” Sagittarius
Vesta27° 40’ 13” Aries
Ascendant25° 45’ 27” Taurus
Black Moon Lilith24° 38’ 21” Gemini
Midheaven6° 32’ 59” Aquarius
North Node3° 20’ 11” Aries
South Node3° 20’ 11” Libra
Part of Fortune23° 45’ 16” Leo
Vertex26° 22’ 27” Libra
Sunin Aquarius4° 58’ 49”The Aquarius Sun Sign in the Natal Chart makes you intellectual and clever. You are more intense than most people and can be fierce and […] Read more » Moonin Taurus2° 58’ 37”The Taurus Moon in the Natal Chart makes you sensual and reasonable. You are empathetic and can be rational and down to earth. You are […] Read more » Mercuryin Aquarius13° 58’ 9”Is Mercury in Aquarius good or bad? Mercury in Aquarius is an intense placement that enhances your intuition and intellect. The Aquarius Mercury placement brings […] Read more » Venusin Pisces21° 56’ 40”Pisces Venus in the Natal Chart indicates you are compassionate and have a spiritual connection to your loved ones. You are empathetic and affectionate, using […] Read more » Marsin Scorpio14° 30’ 29”Scorpio Mars in the Natal Chart makes you intense and mysterious. You have a probing nature and an insatiable appetite for knowledge. You seek hidden […] Read more » Jupiterin Libra6° 1’ 21”Libra Jupiter in the Natal Chart makes you diplomatic and influential. You have a broad reach and bring charm and beauty to others. You are […] Read more » Saturnin Aries19° 46’ 57”Aries Saturn in the Natal Chart indicates you are born into a generation that values tradition and order. Your generation creates hierarchies based on creativity […] Read more » Uranusin Libra3° 52’ 33”Libra Uranus in the Natal Chart indicates a generation that aspires to live up to their higher ideals. You are born at a time when […] Read more » Neptunein Scorpio28° 22’ 33”Scorpio Neptune in the Natal Chart is an ideal placement for emotional healing and transformation. Your generation brings out the best in others and can […] Read more » Plutoin Virgo24° 53’ 22”Pluto in Virgo in the Natal Chart indicates a generation dedicated to exposing secrets related to misuse of power in agriculture, healthcare, and service industries. […] Read more » Ceresin Capricorn8° 25’ 24”Ceres in Capricorn in the Natal Chart indicates a generation committed to making others comfortable. You are sensitive to others’ needs and can be compassionate […] Read more » Chironin Pisces29° 47’ 33”Chiron in Pisces is an ideal placement for a generation committed to healing. You are passionate about showing others you care. You can be self-sacrificing […] Read more » Erosin Aquarius17° 25’ 22”Eros in Aquarius in the Natal Chart makes you eager to explore your kinky side. You are excited by dramatic and creative sexual experiences. You […] Read more » Hygieain Aries7° 14’ 37”Hygiea in Aries in the Natal Chart makes you passionate about health and wellness. You are health-conscious and have an active, rigorous routine that maintains […] Read more » Junoin Sagittarius25° 41’ 43”Juno in Sagittarius in the Natal Chart indicates an ideal placement for affection and desire. You bring abundance and love to your relationships and can […] Read more » Pallasin Sagittarius20° 6’ 47”Pallas in Sagittarius in the Natal Chart makes you determined and focused. You are generous and can be a natural leader who inspires others to […] Read more » Vestain Aries27° 40’ 13”Vesta in Aries in the Natal Chart makes you zealous and caring. You are passionate and can be energetic. You are determined, and nothing stands […] Read more » Ascendantin Taurus25° 45’ 27”Taurus Ascendant in the Natal Chart indicates a compassionate and determined nature. You are strong-willed and have a romantic and sensual style. Your appearance is […] Read more » Black Moon Lilithin Gemini24° 38’ 21”Gemini Black Moon Lilith makes you dramatic and eager to push boundaries. You can fall for extreme ideas and are attracted to taboo and unconventional […] Read more » Midheavenin Aquarius6° 32’ 59”Aquarius Midheaven in the Natal Chart makes you erratic and explosive. You have a unique and unconventional approach to your career path. You can be […] Read more » North Nodein Aries3° 20’ 11”Aries North Node in the Natal Chart indicates you are passionate about your purpose and break habits by developing confidence in yourself. You are driven […] Read more » South Nodein Libra3° 20’ 11”Libra South Node in the Natal Chart makes you affectionate and loving. You are attuned to other people’s needs and can learn to open up […] Read more » Part of Fortunein Leo23° 45’ 16”The Part of Fortune in Leo in the Natal Chart makes you prosperous. You are attracted to wealth and attain status. You can manifest your […] Read more » Vertexin Libra26° 22’ 27”Libra Vertex in the Natal Chart makes you intelligent and friendly. You are charming and can easily manifest love and romance. You can be peaceful […] Read more »

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Planets in Elements

Planets in elements denote how the fundamental energies and qualities associated with those planets interact with the elemental nature of the signs they inhabit, shaping an individual’s overall temperament and approach to life.
Air ElementThe air element in astrology corresponds to three signs; Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. This element is associated with new insights and perspectives. The air element […] Read more »Fire ElementThe fire element in astrology is associated with passion and motivation. This element brings creativity and intensifies planets and natal houses. Your competitive nature comes […] Read more »Water ElementAstrologers and other occultists study the water element to understand emotional healing. This element relates to love and compassion. Numerous planets in water signs in […] Read more »Earth ElementThe earth element in astrology is associated with practicality and grounding. This element is associated with career and wealth. Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn are signs […] Read more »

Planets in Qualities

Planets in qualities signify how the inherent attributes and tendencies of those planets align with the modalities of the signs they occupy, influencing an individual’s style of action, decision-making, and engagement with the world.
Fixed QualityThe second Quality in astrology is the Fixed modality. Fixed Signs follow the Cardinal Signs, bringing strength and endurance. These signs build upon the foundation […] Read more »Cardinal QualityThe Cardinal quality in astrology is associated with new seasons and initiative. Cardinal signs mark the equinoxes and solstices. The Cardinal modality represents the extremes […] Read more »Mutable QualityThe third Quality astrological signs are grouped into is mutable. Mutable Signs come at the end of a season. Mutable Signs are associated with flexibility […] Read more »

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Planets in Houses

Planets in a zodiac house signify where in life’s areas and experiences the energies and influences of those planets are predominantly focused and expressed.
Sun21° 22’ 16” Ninth House
Moon20° 43’ 41” Twelfth House
Mercury7° 25’ 10” Tenth House
Venus17° 13’ 56” Eleventh House
Mars32° 15’ 33” Sixth House
Jupiter31° 18’ 36” Fifth House
Saturn7° 32’ 0” Twelfth House
Uranus29° 9’ 49” Fifth House
Neptune2° 37’ 6” Seventh House
Pluto20° 10’ 37” Fifth House
Ceres16° 48’ 2” Eighth House
Chiron25° 4’ 49” Eleventh House
Eros10° 52’ 23” Tenth House
Hygiea32° 31’ 52” Eleventh House
Juno4° 4’ 21” Eighth House
Pallas24° 21’ 19” Seventh House
Vesta15° 25’ 16” Twelfth House
Black Moon Lilith3° 0’ 58” Second House
North Node28° 37’ 26” Eleventh House
South Node28° 37’ 26” Fifth House
Part of Fortune17° 12’ 16” Fourth House
Vertex14° 7’ 30” Sixth House

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Aspects reveal the dynamic relationships and interactions between planets within a birth chart, influencing the way their energies combine and manifest in an individual’s life experiences and personality traits.

Within this birth chart, there are 15 major aspects, alongside 13 minor aspects, as well as 11 extra aspects.

Major Aspects

Major aspects highlight significant connections between planets, providing insights into key dynamics, challenges, and potentials shaping an individual’s life journey and psychological makeup.
Sun Trine Jupiter
Sun Trine Uranus
Moon Quincunx Uranus
Mercury Square Mars
Sun Square Moon
Jupiter Conjunct Uranus
Moon Quincunx Jupiter
Venus Opposite Pluto
Neptune Sextile Pluto
Moon Quincunx Neptune
Mercury Sextile Saturn
Venus Trine Neptune
Uranus Sextile Neptune
Venus Trine Mars
Mercury Trine Jupiter

Explore detailed articles on the major aspects in this birth chart, gaining deeper insights into this cosmic identity. Dive into each aspect and uncover how it shapes U-ya Asaoka’s life journey.

Sun Trine Jupiterorb: 1°The Sun trine Jupiter in a Natal Chart makes you creative, gifted, and inspiring. You can be adventurous and love exploring new things. You push […] Read more » Sun Trine Uranusorb: 1°The Sun trine Uranus in the Natal Chart makes you shocking and eccentric. You are individualistic and balk against anything that stifles you. You are […] Read more » Moon Quincunx Uranusorb: 1°When the Moon is quincunx Uranus in a Natal Chart, this creates tension between the need to rebel and the need to find emotional security. […] Read more » Mercury Square Marsorb: 1°Mercury square Mars in a Natal Chart typically indicates that a person will struggle with decision-making, feelings of frustration, impulsivity, and arguments caused by their […] Read more » Sun Square Moonorb: 2°The Sun square Moon in a Natal Chart is more potent than this aspect in a Transiting Chart. You inhibit your growth and block yourself […] Read more » Jupiter Conjunct Uranusorb: 2°Jupiter conjunct Uranus in a chart typically indicates that someone craves freedom and needs to try new things constantly. There are both positive and negative […] Read more » Moon Quincunx Jupiterorb: 3°The Moon quincunx Jupiter in a Natal Chart creates an intense clash between a person’s inner sense of safety and emotional expression and their sense […] Read more » Venus Opposite Plutoorb: 3°Venus opposite Pluto in a chart creates intensity regarding romance, attraction, and relationships. There is also a darkness in this opposition. The intense love and […] Read more » Moon Quincunx Neptuneorb: 5°When the Moon is quincunx Neptune in a Natal Chart, this can create a high level of intuition and even psychic energy, which leads to […] Read more » Mercury Sextile Saturnorb: 6°What does Mercury sextile Saturn mean? When Mercury and Saturn are connected in this way, a person will likely have a more serious, organized, and […] Read more » Mercury Trine Jupiterorb: 8°Mercury trine Jupiter in a chart typically indicates that a person has a positive view of life but is also intelligent and grounded enough not […] Read more »

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Minor Aspects

Minor aspects represent subtler connections between planets, offering additional nuances and layers of interpretation to understand more detailed influences on an individual’s personality and experiences.
Moon Quincunx South Node
Saturn Trine Pallas
Pluto Square Black Moon Lilith
Jupiter Opposite Hygiea
Jupiter Trine Midheaven
Uranus Opposite North Node
Uranus Conjunct South Node
Neptune Trine Chiron
Neptune Quincunx Vesta
Pluto Square Juno
Pluto Trine Ascendant
Sun Conjunct Midheaven
Sun Trine South Node

Discover additional layers of meaning with this collection of articles on the minor aspects found in U-ya Asaoka’s birth chart. Delve deeper into these cosmic nuances to gain a richer understanding of this astrological profile.

Moon Quincunx South Nodeorb: 0°The Moon quincunx the South Node in a chart can create tension between the past and what a person needs to feel comfortable and secure […] Read more » Uranus Conjunct South Nodeorb: 1°Uranus conjunct the South Node in a chart can be challenging to deal with because of the unpredictable nature of this conjunction. Someone may be […] Read more » Sun Conjunct Midheavenorb: 2°The Sun conjunct Midheaven makes you outspoken and authentic. You openly share your talents and align your unique abilities with your public status. You are […] Read more » Sun Trine South Nodeorb: 2°The Sun trine South Node in a Natal Chart makes you comfortable and satisfied with your situation. You are accepting and happy with what you […] Read more »

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Extra Aspects

Extra aspects, though less emphasized than major or minor aspects, contribute subtle nuances and intricacies to the overall astrological interpretation, offering additional insights into an individual’s personality traits and life experiences.
Juno Quincunx Ascendant
Ceres Square Hygiea
Hygiea Sextile Midheaven
Juno Opposite Black Moon Lilith
Juno Sextile Vertex
Vesta Opposite Vertex
Ascendant Quincunx Vertex
Black Moon Lilith Sextile Part of Fortune
Juno Trine Vesta
Juno Trine Part of Fortune
Black Moon Lilith Trine Vertex

Explore how these extra aspects contribute to the intricate tapestry of U-ya Asaoka’s life path through subtler influences. Dive into each extra aspect and uncover the hidden gems that shape a unique cosmic identity.

Ascendant Quincunx Vertexorb: 1°The Ascendant quincunx the Vertex in the Natal Chart makes you reluctant to embrace your destiny. You want to project an image that doesn’t align […] Read more » Black Moon Lilith Sextile Part of Fortuneorb: 1°Black Moon Lilith sextile of the Part of Fortune in the Natal Chart makes you ambitious and determined to succeed. You are true to your […] Read more » Black Moon Lilith Trine Vertexorb: 2°The Black Moon Lilith trine the Vertex in the Natal Chart makes you confident and open about your desires. You are independent and self-assured. You […] Read more »

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A house starting in a zodiac sign indicates the area of life where the qualities and themes of that sign are particularly emphasized and influential within an individual’s birth chart.
First House25° 45’ 27” Taurus
Second House21° 37’ 22” Gemini
Third House13° 36’ 33” Cancer
Fourth House6° 32’ 59” Leo
Fifth House4° 42’ 45” Virgo
Sixth House12° 14’ 57” Libra
Seventh House25° 45’ 27” Scorpio
Eighth House21° 37’ 22” Sagittarius
Ninth House13° 36’ 33” Capricorn
Tenth House6° 32’ 59” Aquarius
Eleventh House4° 42’ 45” Pisces
Twelfth House12° 14’ 57” Aries
Astrology Birth Chart for U-ya Asaoka (Jan. 25, 1969) (2024)


How do I get my birth chart? ›

All you need to know is the date, exact time, and place of birth. Won points to websites such as that can give you your chart for free when you put in all that info. You can also download apps such as Co-star, Reha, or Sanctuary that will not only give you your birth chart but also explain each component.

How to read the birth chart in astrology? ›

Reading Your Sign

The section in which your birth date falls is your Zodiac sign. There are 12 signs of the Zodiac, all of which represent different personality traits. Locate which section you fall into in order to identify your Zodiac sign. On your astrology chart, a small person is drawn on the globe in the center.

How do I find my house birth chart? ›

Read your houses counterclockwise, starting at the left.

Your birth chart looks like a circle that's been divided into 12 segments, like the hours on a clock. Find the left-most segment, where 9:00 would be. This is your first house. When you read your houses, you'll start there and go counterclockwise.

How do I calculate my birth chart number? ›

Write out your birthday in digits and then add them all up. For example, if your birthday is November 2, 1998, or 11/2/1998, you would add 1+1+2+1+9+9+8 = 31. Then keep adding until you get a single digit: In this case, 3+1 = a life-path number of 4.

Does Juno tell you your soulmate? ›

Named after the Roman goddess of marriage and queen of the gods, Juno plays a pivotal role in understanding our approach to relationships, commitment, and love. It can even hint at who our soulmate might be.

What is the soulmate in the birth chart? ›

One of the most powerful indicators of a soulmate connection is the aspect between the Sun in one chart and the Moon in the other. A harmonious aspect, such as a conjunction, trine, or sextile, suggests a deep emotional and intuitive understanding between partners.

What does it mean when your Juno is in Libra? ›

As Juno enters Libra, it brings a sense of optimism to you, particularly in the realm of relationships. This period is ideal for exploring new romantic connections or deepening existing ones. Small, thoughtful actions toward your partner can strengthen your bond and create a more harmonious relationship.

What is the most accurate birth chart? ›

However, the Vedic chart is the most accurate, and the Western chart is inaccurate. The Vedic chart uses the sidereal zodiac, which properly aligns the zodiac with the constellations of the same name. The Western chart uses the tropical zodiac, which used to be accurate when it was first created around 275 CE.

Can my birth chart tell me when I'll get married? ›

7th House Ruler Changing Signs by Progression — If your progressed 7th house cusp ruler shifts into a new sign, marriage becomes more likely. Return Charts — Pay attention when Venus, Jupiter, or Saturn appear prominently in your annual Solar Return or Venus Return charts around the ages when you wish to marry.

What is the rarest birth chart? ›

The Grand Cross, or Grand Square, is one of the rarest natal chart aspects in astrology. A Grand Cross happens when there are four personal planets separated by 90 degrees on the birth chart, forming a square shape and cross in the birth chart.

How do I find my astrology chart? ›

Every individual's birth chart (also know as a natal chart) is completely unique. The location, date, and time of your birth is all that is needed to calculate your birth chart. Visually a chart is a 360 degree wheel divided into 12 sections.

What can your birth chart tell you? ›

With your birth chart as a guide, you can gain insights into your strengths, weaknesses, and one-of-a-kind qualities, which can ultimately help you connect more deeply with yourself and those around you.

What is my birth chart ruled by? ›

The ruling planet of your birth chart depends on your ascendant (or rising) sign. For example, if you're a Leo Sun and a rising Virgo, then Mercury (which rules Virgo) is the ruling planet of your birth chart. To find your birth chart's ruling planet, look up your ascendant sign and find it in the list above.

What is the best birth chart website? ›

Founded in late 2017, Astro-Seek is one of the best places on the web to get a free comprehensive intro to your natal chart. Once your chart is generated, you get a ton of info, including a quick breakdown of all your planets, the houses they're in, and their rulerships as well as important aspects.

What determines your birth chart? ›

Also referred to as the “natal chart,” this map of the stars uses the exact date, time, and location of your birth to re-create a snapshot of the sky at your precise moment of arrival.

Do you have all 12 signs in your birth chart? ›

There are always 360 degrees in a birth chart

See, a birth chart contains the entire sky at the moment you were born—which means that all 12 zodiac signs appear in your chart somewhere. Even if you like to hate on Geminis, Scorpios, or Sagittariuses, you actually channel their energy in some area of your life.

Where do I look for my birth chart for a career? ›

Typically located in the 9th, 10th, or 11th whole sign house (though for people born at certain latitudes, it is sometimes found in the 8th house or 12th house), the midheaven is essentially the peak of the chart. It is what we aspire to, our public image/reputation, and career more generally.

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Author: Otha Schamberger

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Name: Otha Schamberger

Birthday: 1999-08-15

Address: Suite 490 606 Hammes Ferry, Carterhaven, IL 62290

Phone: +8557035444877

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: Fishing, Flying, Jewelry making, Digital arts, Sand art, Parkour, tabletop games

Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.